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Educates Components

Educates is a complex platform, handling workshop creation, user sessions, runtime security, and many more things for us. This of course means that additional tooling is required, which has already been installed when bootstrapping the platform.

Let's take a first look.


We can display all the workloads deployed to our cluster using kubectl:

Listing all Pods in our cluster
k get pods -o custom-columns=NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace, -A

The output presents itself similar to this - the workloads deployed as part of the Educates platform are highlighted:

educates image-puller-4qzph
educates secrets-manager-5f78fb8599-kkkw8
educates session-manager-5d86cdf4cb-h2flm
kube-system coredns-7db6d8ff4d-4rf8f
kube-system coredns-7db6d8ff4d-tb9tx
kube-system etcd-educates-control-plane
kube-system kindnet-7g59l
kube-system kube-apiserver-educates-control-plane
kube-system kube-controller-manager-educates-control-plane
kube-system kube-proxy-rpwb8
kube-system kube-scheduler-educates-control-plane
kyverno kyverno-admission-controller-d49646b75-6qhf2
kyverno kyverno-background-controller-6f9b5b9d57-ljm66
kyverno kyverno-cleanup-admission-reports-28816380-zt8b2
kyverno kyverno-cleanup-cluster-admission-reports-28816380-cf5m9
kyverno kyverno-cleanup-controller-5d44984995-dghtb
kyverno kyverno-reports-controller-7b4c74c6c5-k7gkk
local-path-storage local-path-provisioner-988d74bc-gt7xr
projectcontour contour-7fb9b8fd87-9w4mc
projectcontour contour-certgen-v1-28-5-d9hqt
projectcontour envoy-2fzc7

On first glance, we can spot three major components: Educates itself, Kyverno, and Contour.


For now, we see three workloads deployed to the educates namespace: an image-puller, a secrets-manager, and a sessions-manager.

Each of them serves a specific purpose, which can be derived from their names:

  • image-puller: This workload prefetches images needed for the workshops once they are created into the cluster: the workshop environment, the web platform, etc.
  • secrets-manager: This workload copies secrets needed within workshop environments upon their creation; this can be session secrets as well as information needed for specific workshops, e.g. registry credentials
  • sessions-manager: This workload creates and manages the workshop sessions created by/for users

As we deploy our first workshop later on, we will see additional workloads being spun up as part of the Educates platform.


Kyverno offers Kubernetes Native Policy Management and is used by Educates to properly sandbox workshop sessions from the cluster and each other.

With a set of predefined policies Educates ensures that workshop users can't escalate their privileges, disturb other users' sessions, or harm the cluster in any other way.

It does so by deploying an admission controller that intercepts each request towards the Kubernetes API before it gets acted upon and checks it against the configured policies. Other deployed parts are tasked with cleaning up and reporting on admissions and other Kyverno-related things.

We can list all Policies and ClusterPolicies deployed by Educates like this:

Display all Kyverno policies
kubectl clusterpolicies

There are quite a few of them:

List of configured Kyverno policies
kubectl get clusterpolicies

educates-baseline-disallow-capabilities true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-baseline-disallow-host-namespaces true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-baseline-disallow-host-path true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-baseline-disallow-host-ports true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-baseline-disallow-host-ports-range true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-baseline-disallow-host-process true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-baseline-disallow-privileged-containers true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-baseline-disallow-proc-mount true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-baseline-disallow-selinux true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-baseline-restrict-apparmor-profiles true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-baseline-restrict-seccomp true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-baseline-restrict-sysctls true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-restricted-disallow-capabilities-strict true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-restricted-disallow-privilege-escalation true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-restricted-require-run-as-non-root-user true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-restricted-require-run-as-nonroot true true Enforce True 22h Ready
educates-restricted-restrict-volume-types true true Enforce True 22h Ready


Contour is a High performance ingress controller for Kubernetes, used for routing traffic from the outside of our cluster to the right workloads, e.g. workshop sessions. It is based on the Envoy proxy, and allows for fine-grained and extensive configuration.

Upon creation of workshop sessions, Educates will automatically create matching Ingress resources to route traffic to the sessions based the on global platform configuration. For our local environment, the Ingress resources will have subdomains that always resolve to your own machine.