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Live-Editing Workshops

While the authoring workflow is already quite fast by using the publish-workshop and deploy-workshop cmdlets of the Educates CLI or update-workshop from within a running session, an even better experience would be live previews while we edit our workshop instructions.

With the Educates CLI, we can patch a deployed workshop to render local instructions instead of the ones bundled and published with the workshop. For this to work, however, we need Hugo installed locally.

Installing Hugo

Hugo is a single Go binary that can be installed via package managers for most systems.

Installing Hugo on Linux

sudo apt install hugo

For other distributions, please look at the installation docs.

Installing Hugo ond MacOS and Windows

brew install hugo

Patching a Workshop

Once Hugo is installed, we can patch a deployed workshop and start hosting its instructions directly from our repository like this:

Start live-editing workshops
educates serve-workshop --patch-workshop

All we need to do afterwards is to start a new workshop session - it will have its instructions updated in realtime as we edit them locally.